Wednesday, June 8, 2011

2nd grade Field Day

Last Friday was Nevaeh's Field day... it's half a day where they run around and do different activities. Most of the the activities are pointless fun. There is an obstacle course, tug of war, capture the chicken, ladder golf and bean bag toss, just rope, playtime on the play ground and more. Last year was hot, but hot and humid as this year. The kids were just too hot to enjoy it all.

Here she is all ready for the obstacle course (she wasn't paying attention to the directions so she was watching the other team)
Nevaeh and Charlie waiting for the relay

Annalies and Nevaeh sitting out for touch football

Kayhlen entertained herself by climbing up the 6 ft fence

Barrett sat nice in his shaded stroller, he did get to get out and run on the "football field". Nevaeh's gym teacher loved him.

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