Saturday, August 13, 2011

Kayhlen lost again

Tuesday I brought the kids to the MN Zoo to meet a few friends and their kids. We had 4 moms with 10 kids. While we were looking at the underwater aquarium where there was a diver telling about the fish as he would touch them, Kayhlen must not have seen Kelly and all the kids while I went to park the stroller. I turned around and she was gone. She was gone about 5 minutes or so. Kelly and I split up looking for her... I ended up finding Kayhlen back at the aquarium, crying to another mom. I guess the panda braclets will be in the diaper bag so the kids can't wonder!!

Henrik and Barrett

Amelia, Nevaeh and Emmerson

Nevaeh, Emmerson, Amelia, Kayhlen, Olivia and Jaxx

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