Monday, July 11, 2011


We decided to take the kids to Valleyfair today... it was 90+ degrees. We met one of Mike's friends with his 8 year old neice. Kayhlen and Barrett waited patiently while Mike and Chris took the kids on big rides (which Kayhlen also wanted to ride). Nevaeh loved all the big rollercoasters! We played in the waterpark for a while for the kids to cool off, then pllayed a few games, with not much success. After eating some lunch in the truck we went to Snoopy Land for rides for Kayhlen and Barrett. We spent 8 1/2 hours there, and we were all extremly tired!!

Barrett on his 2nd little nap

Kayhlen's first funnel cake (squiggly donut)

Riding little rides while Nevaeh and Mike went on the corkscrew

Clapping at the Charlie Brown Show
Kayhlen on stage going for a ride on the feather bed
Yay! Snoopy!!
Nevaeh with Shay at the waterpark

Kayhlen and Barrett on the little lazy river

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