Nevaeh woke up at 6 am this morning ready for the day! She got to open our present: monster high back pack with matching lunch bag and Just Dance Summer Party for Wii. She was most excited for the backpack. We spent the day at the beach with Melissa, Amelia, Jaxx and Jozey.

Feeding his girlfriend Jozey

I made PF Chang's lettuce wraps for dinner

I also made cupcakes for tonight

We danced the night away to some good workout songs. Just more dances for me to get the high scores!
Now she is looking forward to Sunday for her family birthday and most of all her friend birthday party on the 30th.... her BFF Paige is coming!!!!
Wow, 8th Birthday Nevaeh looks outstanding. The kiddos look very happy in this party and where he is feeding his girlfriend Jozey, that pic is awesome. My cousin also hosted the picnic themed party for her twin’s birthday at one of the event space Chicago. The food was my favorite part from that event, HAHA.