Monday, May 9, 2011

Carolina Chrissy brings the Family

We had a great weekend with Chrissy, Jason and little Lily. We haven't seen them in about 4 years, so this weekend was long over due. On Thursday night I made enchiladas in honor of Cinco de Mayo, and then we stayed up talking till 2 am (way past my bedtime!).

Friday we took a trip to Como Zoo.. not sure who was more excited, Kayhlen or Jason. It was perfect weather to be outside! Then the kids played softball in the backyard with GG, Jason, Chrissy and Grandpa while Mom and I cooked dinner.

Saturday was another warm day and we enjoyed the patio again, with food of course! Jenean had us over for dinner for a delicious stuffed meatloaf and potatoes. My kids were naughty cause they were so overly tired!

Sunday was a long Mother's Day since Kayhlen came down with a stomach bug. Up at 2 am and 6 am to throw up. She seemed to perk up a bit later in the day, but it hit again in the car when we were 3/4 of the way home. We did get to play some Just Dance and You Don't Know Jack :)

It was so hard to say goodbye when leaving last night. I teared up a little... Chrissy has been one of my best friends since I was born. I'm so proud of her little family and can't wait to see you guys again!

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