Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Big Birthday Girl!

Today my little monster turned 3! Kayhlen is starting to finally talk, is mostly potty trained (stubborn with the poo) and a smart sassy and very goofy girl. Today to celebrate her birthday we went to my UPS airport and brought my dad some cupcakes. The sure got out a lot of energy running around the open spaces! Barrett even added some excitement to the UPS office and pushed the emergency call button in the elevator. I'm sure my dad can cross that off his bucket list now!

After the airport we went to MOA for Nickelodeon Universe and Disney Store. Kayhlen picked out two small plush toys Lady and the Tramp. She loves picking things out herself! Then it was off to ride rides. Kids get an unlimited ride wrist band on their birthdays ($29.95 value) so we just had to buy Nevaeh one. Nevaeh is tall enough to be a chaperon on most little rides for Kayhlen so that works out great! It felt like we were at the mall for 10 hours, but it was only 8.

Leah met us there after work, bringing Kayhlen some balloons (she is still carrying around the house). For Kayhlen's present she got her ears pierced. Kayhlen has been pointing to her ears for sometime now wanting earrings, and when I ask she says yes. She sat so nice for the ladies and only cried for about 30 seconds. She doesn't care for me cleaning them... but naturally I get win and get it done!

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