Thursday, November 17, 2011

Last bike ride of 2011

Mike and I took the kids on a long bike ride about 2 weeks ago. I was stuck pulling the little weights since Mike claims the trailer won't hook up to his bike. So I did the hard work... at a few points I thought I was going to die. It was about 50 degrees and windy. The wind just happen to blow against me on EVERY hill. Mike was at ease with his 5 lb backpack while I was huffing and puffing.... what a gentleman!

my not so little weights....

We had a nice break for a picnic lunch. The kids got to stretch their legs, Mike made some work phone calls and I longed for a nap. It was nice to get out, and next time I will have an attachment for Mike's bike... even if I have to buy another trailer!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Books in the Barn

My kids love going to George and Lisa's once a month for Books in the Barn. Nevaeh has become more confidant in her reading from all of our visits to the Four Sticks Farm. Every class they do a craft and read (and keep) a book. Kayhlen can't wait till she can become part of the class, sometimes she gets to join in the fun, which makes her day to be a big girl. Barrett just loves Boone the grayhound and the three horses.

Here they are feeding Biscuit

class looking for horse brushes in the hay stack (not George's favorite activity)
Kayhlen playing in the haystack

Barrett playing around in his new cowboy boots

Thursday, November 10, 2011

First snow

This morning Barrett and Kayhlen went outside to play at 8:30 am when it was about 34 degrees out. I made them wear their winter jacket along with hat and mittens. They lasted longer than I thought they would, about a good 40 minutes! They all enjoyed the big snowflakes falling too. Thank goodness it didn't stay!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween 2011

Here are my little monsters ready for the day. So excited for Trick or Treating
Here is our Bamm Bamm (Mike made the costume)
Sassy Pebbles

And of course Abby Bominable

These three brought home 1 1/2 sacks full of candy! We also had one bowl of candy left by the end of the night... too much candy sitting on top of our fridge!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Student Coalition

Nevaeh came home today and was so happy to announce she made Student Coalition. The teacher read the five speeches written by five students who wanted to run for Student Coalition. Then the class voted for the two they wanted to represent their class, Nevaeh was one of them! I wish I had her speech to post, but I know it had things like... I want to help the community, classmates and friends, and other things you'd say in a pageant. What would anyone expect from Nevaeh!

Tonight we also took Nevaeh to Trail of Terror in Shakopee. Mike's friend Blake and I took Nevaeh and she was so excited until we got through the gates and she saw guys walking around in scary masks. We forced her (yes forced her) to walk through the haunted house. Blake made me go first (what a guy) and Nevaeh clung to my waist hiding her head, and Blake walked behind her. We tried getting Nevaeh to look up at some of the cool decorations but she claims she feel asleep. I was startled a couple times, and I looked down so I could only see my feet moving when we walked through the many halls of clowns. I hate clowns.
Blake spoiled Nevaeh. He took her on a ride, bought her a glow in the dark feather extension and 2 cups of hot chocolate. We tried to get her to do karaoke and I'm shocked she didn't do it. She loves and audience. After the maze, ride, sitting around the bonfire and 2 trips on the hay ride we were ready to leave. Nevaeh was asleep before we got on the main road. Thanks Blake!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Barrett turns 2

My little man has turned two. Barrett is a sweet mommy's boy who has a smile that will make you light up. He also is a naughty little boy who charges you with his head down, likes to box and screams like a girl. There isn't much talking going on, so that is part of the screaming. I wonder how long it will take him to talk now that Kayhlen and Nevaeh never stop?!

This was his face the whole time we sang Happy Birthday.

Opening present with all the helpers.

Barrett is one spoiled little boy. Thanks to all the friends and family that made it out to celebrate with us!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Kids Halloween Party

I had another Halloween Party this year for the kids. Nevaeh had 5 friends over and Kayhlen had one. We painted pumpkins and then glittered them, ate pizza, had ice cream cake and then there was the spaghetti and eyeballs.

This was before the spaghetti was EVERYWHERE! The kids had to look for squishy eyeballs in the noodles. They loved it... but so messy!

Thank goodness for my Mom, Grandma and Sara there to help me. They were on my kitchen floor with spatchulas scrapping noodles up. I had noodles on the walls, floors, chairs and entryway rug. Next year it will be an outside activity!

Here are the girls at the end of the night.